Admission to the 5th year (master's degree)

master's degree

A master’s degree is an educational degree obtained at the second level of higher education and awarded by a higher educational institution as a result of successful completion of an educational program in a certain branch of economics by a higher education institution. The master’s degree is obtained through an educational-professional program. The volume of the educational and professional master’s training program is 90-120 ECTS credits . Training of masters of specialty 051 “Economics” for OPP “Economics of Business Enterprise” is carried out on the basis of the educational degree “Bachelor”.   

Term of study 1 year 4 months and 1 year 9 months. Form of study: full-time, part-time. 

The educational level of the master provides an opportunity for further study in graduate school.   

Education of students at the department is carried out both at the expense of the budget and at the expense of individuals or legal entities.

The cost of training for the 2021/2022 academic year in the specialty 051 Economics under the terms of the contract at the expense of individuals or legal entities is:

  • for full-time education – UAH 44,100 / year;   
  • for distance learning – UAH 20,200 / year.

Official documents can be found at:  

Admission to study is carried out in accordance with:

1) Rules of admission to the National Technical University of Ukraine KPI Igor Sikorsky in 2020 

2) Regulations on admission to study for a master’s degree     
Procedure for registration of EMI / EFVV graduates of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky 2021, who wish to enter the master’s program
Procedure for registration at the EMI / EFVV of entrants to the master’s program who have completed their studies in previous years or enter after the completion of this year of another higher education institution

If you are entering the master’s program, you will need to take a single entrance exam in a foreign language (EMI) in the form of an external examination, and to do this – register for the EMI from May 11 to June 3 (until 18.00) and June 30 to pass English, German, Spanish or French. This year, the only entrance exam in a foreign language must pass all entrants to the master’s program KPI. Igor Sikorsky without exception. The only entrance exam in a foreign language or simply an external examination in a foreign language for admission to a master’s degree will be conducted according to the same program as for admission to the first year on the basis of general secondary education, except for “Written speech” and “Language comprehension by ear” . Applicants to the master’s program will consist only of the parts “Reading” and “Use of language”. This year we can count the results of EMI 2020 and 2021.      

PROGRAM of a complex professional test for admission to the educational program “Business Enterprise Economics” for master’s degree in specialty 051 “Economics”

Calculation of the competitive score Competitive score (hereinafter KB) for admission to obtain a master’s degree in all specialties (except for specialty 081 “Law”) is calculated by the formula: KB = 0.25 × P1 + 0.75 × P2 + RA, where P1 – assessment single entrance exam in a foreign language, P2 – assessment of the professional entrance examination (on a scale from 100 to 200 points), RA – the numerical equivalent of the assessment of the academic rating of the entrant. The academic rating of the entrant’s RA is calculated by the attestation commission on the basis of the relevant diploma and submitted documents on the entrant’s creative achievements according to the formula: RA = 2R A + 2R T , where R A is the academic component, R T is the creative achievement component. The academic component (R A ) of the academic rating of the entrant is defined as the arithmetic mean of the results for all indicators given in the appendix to the diploma (results of studying subjects, defense of term papers, exams, etc.) expressed in numerical or letter equivalent according to the scale below. If there is both a letter and a number, priority is given to the number. This does not take into account only those indicators for which there is no numerical and literal equivalent (the results of which are listed in the appendix to the diploma as certified, enrolled, studied, etc.). In the absence, for objective reasons, of an appendix to the document on the obtained educational (educational-qualification level), its average score is considered to correspond to the minimum possible value. The numerical equivalent of the assessment is determined by the following scale: 95-100 (A) – 5 points; 85-94 (B) – 4.5 points; 75-84 (C) – 4 points; 65-74 (D) – 3.5 points; 60-64 (E) – 3 points; 31-59 – 2.5 points; 1-30 – 2 points. The component of creative achievements (R T ) of the academic rating of the entrant is determined taking into account the level of effectiveness of the respective achievement and the number of these achievements. where r j is the rank of creative achievement (according to table 1); n j – the number of creative achievements of the j-th level. 

Table 1. The value of the ranks of creative achievements

The results of the student’s creative work *

Performance level and weights

Article in the university collection of scientific papers, publication of a report in the collection of conference papers, prize place in the competition of scientific works of university students (faculty), development of an innovative project (“Incubator of innovative ideas”), acceptance of an application for a security document of Ukraine property.

r 1 = 0.5 

Article in the All-Ukrainian scientific journal, publication of a report in the collection of works of the All-Ukrainian conference, participation in the All-Ukrainian exhibition with an exhibit, a prize in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the specialty, obtaining a security document of Ukraine for intellectual property or application for a foreign patent “Future of Ukraine 2021”.

r 2 = 1 

Article (report) in international journals and collections of scientific works, participation in international exhibitions, competitions and Olympiads in the specialty or a prize at the national level of these events, obtaining a foreign patent, diploma of the winner of the Festival “Future of Ukraine 2021”

r 3 = 2 

* 1. If there are co-authors of a particular work, the weighting factor rj is divided by their number. 2. Creative achievements are taken into account only if their subject matter corresponds to the specialty (educational program) for which recruitment is carried out (compliance is determined by attestation commissions of faculties / institutes and / or subcommissions for relevant specialties (educational programs)).

The maximum number of points of creative achievements, which is taken into account when determining the academic rating of the entrant, is 5.

The results of the competitive selection can be found on the website of the department and in the admissions committee of KPI. Igor Sikorsky.